Migration of your account to WebApp
Migrating from the Password Boss Desktop Client to Password Boss WebApp
Table of Contents
Before Starting
Visit our download page to make sure you are running the latest version of the desktop application and have run a recent backup. Any version less than 5.5.5249 will not migrate all of your data properly.
Do not see the option to Migrate when you sign into the WebApp?
All users of an organization must be ready to migrate before moving forward. We will soon add support for migrations to be activated from the Partner Portal.
Once all users have the latest updated version of the desktop client and recently signed in, have them update a single item in their account (ie and a note) then perform a tool > backup to make sure they have the latest version of the data.
Then, you can contact our support team if you do not see the migration option or if you would like to enable the ability to migrate your Password Boss Desktop to the Password Boss WebApp.
For users of our older Password Boss desktop clients (anything that is version 5), we now offer a seamless path to migrate all of your data into our new Password Boss WebApp. This process will migrate everything for you automatically:
- All of your Password Items.
- All of your Digital Wallet, Secure Notes, and Identity items.
- Any Shares you have created
- Any Emergency Access invitations you created.
The migration process is a one-way migration of your account. It will only move items from your Desktop account into your WebApp account. Once completed, Password Boss items saved or updated will not be updated between the desktop and webapp unless you run another migration process. See Rerun the migration process below for more details.
Migrate your Data
- Login to the webapp using the same credentials as the desktop version. If your Desktop Master Password is not the same as your WebApp Master Password, then click on advanced options first and add your Desktop Master Password to the EXTRA PASSWORD field. See Advanced Options below for more details.
- Click the migrate button.

- The account migration process will begin. It is important to wait for the migration and not close the browser.

- Once the migration process is complete, a Migration report will be displayed that you can download to reference how many items, folders, and domains have been imported. Once completed, click close, and you will continue to log in to the Password Boss WebApp. Now, you can verify that the data is in your WebApp account.

Rerun the migration process.
After you review your items and find any discrepancies or have made additional changes to the desktop application data, you can rerun the migration process from within the WebApp by (1) clicking Settings. (2) Click You and Password Boss. Scroll to the bottom and click (3) Migrate

After you have migrated!
Be sure to update the Password Boss Extension you will be using. The previous version won't be compatible with the WebApp. You can either click on the notice that should be at the top of the screen or go to Menu > Get Apps.
Advanced Options
If you are running the migration process and want to control what or how items are imported, you can select various settings under the Advanced options to fine-tune the process.

Advanced Options Details
For details on how each one of the advanced options works, see the list below that is matched to the number on the image above.
Do Not Merge. Use this option to migrate all items, and if duplicate items are found, it will skip any duplicate items found during the migration process.
Skip Items. This will import settings, shares, and emergency access items. Passwords, digital wallets, personal info, and secure notes will not be migrated.
Skip Shares. This will skip importing any shares that you have created. Passwords, digital wallets, personal info, and secure notes will be migrated.
Skip Emergency Access. If you have created any Emergency Access invitations, this will skip importing any items you created.
Never ask Again. Prevents the migration prompt from appearing on login, whether the migration completes successfully or 'Skip' is selected.
Store in Folder. Type the name of a folder, and all the migrated items will be copied to that folder in your account. If you have personal and business profiles, your profile folders will appear under this folder.
TAG. You can create an optional tag to mark all items imported during this migration import.
ADD TEXT TO NAME. You can create an optional text word or phrase to append to each item's name.
- EXTRA PASSWORD. This field may not appear. Your WebApp password and Desktop Passwords are the same. If you are not using the same password with Password Boss WebApp as you are using the Password Desktop version, then put your Desktop Master Password here.